My first blog here.
Touchdown. Wow! Something new, clean, and shiny - a blog on my web site.
Now, I’ve been blogging for years on my old Wordpress blog, and over those years I’ve been less than regular. You’d think for someone who loves to write, it wouldn’t be so hard to come up with regular content for a blog. Anyway, I’m resolved to do a better job of it here.
And as for that old blog…well, it’s not going away just yet.
I used to blog about all kinds of things there including, of course, my writing. What I hope to do is continue on there with everything that’s not writing related, and use this space to laser focus on writing, books, and news about what the author in me is up to.
So, watch this space for updates on what I’m currently writing, Sales and special promotions, and interesting books from other authors I know or stumble upon.
Let the adventure begin,